Saturday, July 23, 2011

 happy wedding day...

The big day was finally here.
  I woke up that day remembering the first time i met Rachel. 
Chris brought here home to meet us the first summer they had been dating.  From the moment i met her, i knew...i just knew that she was "the one"! 
 I patiently waited almost nine years watching their love for one another develop. 
And now it is their wedding day!

The day started early with hair and make up appointments. 
 We all just had to look our best!

I had my first glimpse of Rachel on the staircase of the hotel. 
She was stunning!  The dress she had chosen was just perfect!
I could not image a more beautiful bride!

Chris and the groomsmen arrived at the hotel in a trolley. 
 Chris had the "first look" of his bride at the Hotel Burnham.
  I can only image his feelings at that moment!
Then they were off for a stroll down the famous State Street and a photo shoot.

Just look at the way he holds her train. 
 He was so careful not to let it touch the ground.

Here is a peek at Rachel's adorable shoes!

We all hopped on the trolley and enjoyed  a ride through Chicago to
Salvage One  for the ceremony and reception!

Chris chose Michelle to be his "Best Sister" at the wedding!
Michelle has told just about everyone since she was asked. 
 And everyone has thought
this was such a special touch!
I still have those happy tears when i see their photo!

Magic happened that day. 
Everyone was glowing with happiness for Rachel and Chris!

Their day was just amazing.  It could not have been any better.
I find myself reliving the day and remembering all the happy moments.
Chris and Rachel wrote their own ceremony.  Again many more of those happy tears fell.
Even Chris had to wipe a few away!

Their vows to each other were so touching.

"I promise to be your faithful and loving husband/wife,
to cherish your intellect and uniqueness,
to delight in your happiness and comfort you in sorrow,
to communicate openly and honestly and listen carefully,
to support and encourage you,
and to be your eager partner in exploring things we have yet to learn
and places we have yet to go.
My love is yours now and for all the days before us."

I just know that they will be so happy together...
 this day is the first day of a
wonderful marriage!

Mr and Mrs Thompson

Until next time...

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