Monday, February 28, 2011


"Creativity lifts our spirits, Community nutures our souls"

Perhaps you have noticed the new Picture Inspiration button. I joined a new class this week...and i am so excited to be part of this amazing group of photographers. A "virtual coffee shoppe" if you will. It is a place to "connect, click and create". It is a creative space to gather with other people who are traveling down a picture path. Each week throughout the year we are given a prompt to photograph which we share in our gallery. There are over 300 people all around the world that participate. The inspiration is amazing.

Our first prompt this week is "This is All About You". We started things off with self portraits. It is a way to meet each other face to face. After all we will be seeing alot of each other this year. Believe me, i am not a big fan of taking my own picture. But i was determined to give it a try. You can not believe how hard it is to take your own picture! This final photo took over two hours of shooting in front of my bathroom mirror...some were over-exposed, some under, many blurred and the hair...well i finally gave up on that! And at my age with all my grey hair and wrinkles, a little photoshoppe helped! It is amazing what that Gaussian blurr filter can do to a portrait shot!

Anyway, here i am, wrinkles, grey hair and all!


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