Sunday, January 5, 2014


 "drench yourself in words your life with arms wide open...
today is where your book begins...feel the rain on your skin"
~natasha bedingfield~

I have never journaled...there I said it...I confess.
But journaling is something that I am drawn to.  I see it as a place that I can go to write down my muddled thoughts...and if I am lucky maybe it will help to clarify my ideas and dreams.
Two separate things happened to me this week that drew me in even further...
~ Kathy's delightful blog...You'll Shoot Your Eye Out...hosts a song~ography linky party
each sunday.  The song of the week is Unwritten by Natasha Bedingfield.  As I read her delicious lyrics..."drench yourself in words upspoken"... it got me thinking once again about my empty journal that is lying at my bedside.  Do I dare to pick it up...but how do I begin?
If you have some moments, be sure to click here to join in on Kathy's Song~ography linky fun!
~Then I discovered Brene Brown's ecourse on art journaling... I took the plunge...I enrolled. 
There are two sessions...the first one begins this month.  I am very excited to start this journey...has anyone taken her first course...any thoughts? 
Her ecourse is based around her best selling book..."the gifts of imperfection"...  and she has joined talents with  Oprah...sounds like a winning combination!

"maybe stories are just data with a soul"... a quote from this...sigh
I now know the time is right for me to pick up my pen and let my words and watercolours flow. 
have a joyful week...



  1. Good for you! Good luck on the new journey and journaling!

  2. Sounds to me like you are ready to do this! So glad my post helped propel you in that direction. The whole idea of "unwritten" has been resonating with me too. Realizing that everyday brings forth new possibilities is very liberating in my mind. I use to go in spurts with journaling...but now I realize that my blog IS my journal so I've taken the pressure off to journal elsewhere. Good luck to you in your new endeavor my friend! And thanks for joining in on Song-ography!

  3. Congratulations. You've done the hardest part, beginning. Your image here is really beautiful-so feminine.
    I used to journal before I got out of bed in the morning, for about 15 min. Many times it said lots of nothing-weather report, the phone calls I needed to make in the day ahead, but it helped clear my mind. The longer I did it, the more varied it became. You'll do just fine.

  4. I have always felt the first words in the new journal to be the hardest, but then the thoughts just flow! I hope you enjoy writing!

  5. The Brene course was great, so enlightening. I keep reading the book over and over again. Definitely the course helped to push my creative courage for this year.

    1. Hi Sarah...thank you for your input into the class...I can not wait to get started!

  6. Nancy I echo Sarah such a great course I always have the book nearby...

  7. Good for you, it's always wonderful to start something fresh & new and it sounds like the perfect way to begin your journaling journey!!

  8. Well composed piece here. I enjoyed reading your thoughts. I've always wanted to do a journal but whenever I tried I just couldn't seem to keep at it. For me my blog is a sort of Journal. Have fun with the new course, it sounds interesting.

  9. I absolutely loved the first part of Brene's course and am eager to being the second part at the end of March. The community she builds is one reason alone to be in the class. She is the real deal... down to earth and just like us. All these ideas of how to better ourselves and change how we think are SO HARD but she shows how it's doable. Enjoy it! Can't wait to hear what you learn about yourself. BTW, my "journal" for the class is rather sparse. I took a few notes from things she said and the reading assignments, and then did a page as she instructs. Easy!


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